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Am I Evil? (Harris/Tatler)

Beside the song "Blitzkrieg" it is Metallica's only released cover song with Cliff on bass.

Garage Inc.

Lyrics - Song info

The cover of:
The song "Am I Evil?" was originally released by the band Diamond Head in 1980 on the "Lightning To The Nations" album.

Originally released on:
Metallica originally released the song as B-sides to the "Creeping Death" single in November 1984 and on the 1988 re-issue of "Kill 'Em All" which was only available until 1991.

Why Metallica covered it for Garage Inc.:
Metallica just wanted to released several covers from the Diamond Head album "Lightning To The Nations" because it was a passion for Lars and because Diamond Head became one of the single biggest influences on Metallica's sound.

In 1981 Lars even roomed with Sean Harris and Brian Tatler from Diamond Head and sat in on their writing sessions.


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